Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Carsten Ola Ola...and last night...

Picture: In recovery...

Well, let's see... the overflowing potty seems like such a small thing now...
Long story--Last night Jim and Reese went to a highschool concert and Carsten and I stayed home. We were waiting for them to get home and Carsten was just playing. He found a finger flashlight and was content with that. I followed him while I was doing something and noticed a little battery on the floor, and then another... then I found the flashlight and no batteries in it. I pretty well knew that it took three batteries and when I put the two back in I knew for sure it took three... where was the third??? I searched and searched and then googled--swallowing a battery. It said to immediately call poison control, which I did. They said to immediately take him to emergency for an x-ray...

Picture: The Battery

So, I met Jim at our local hospital where they quickly did an x-ray and there was the battery, big as life in his stomach. This was somewhat good news as it can do damage to the esophogas if stuck there... the doctor came in, took one look and said, "That has to come out!". This is when I started crying...

Picture: The Removed Battery

He then told us we'd have to take him to the children's hospital an hour north of here... They speedily finished the paper work and off we went (we drove, no ambulance)... Our VERY good friends, Jim and JoAnn came and took Reese home to put him to bed and stay with him--THANK YOU!!!
Carsten was pretty fussy in the car, but he hadn't nursed since five and was very tired... They wouldn't let me nurse him or feed him in the event of surgery.

Picture: The Battery in Carsten's Stomach and on the Way Out

We got to the children's hospital and did lots of waiting... They did another x-ray and the battery was still in his stomach so the pediatric gastro doctor wanted to take it out. At 3:30am this morning they took him from me--second time I cried... and ten minutes later they came and handed us the battery in a bottle... five minutes later we went in and he was holding the anesthesiologist's finger and playing with the cords to the blood pressure cuff. They took it out by endoscopy.

Picture: Waiting in the ER

They let us take him right home after he nursed and seemed fine. We got home at 6am this morning...
You can make financial contributions directly to our bank account.

The staff at both hospitals were super and they even let me use the employee breast pump as I was a mess in that department.

I hope you all have a good day and please keep all small objects from your little ones... very scary!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Hope all is well now.

Gina said...

Oh how scary. I am so glad you guys are on the mend!!! They are so quick to put things in their mouths.

Anonymous said...

TOO scary. I'm glad it ended well, but what an experience and night for all of you. Nothing more frightening than a thing over which we have no control happening to little ones who can't even communicate.

Growininwillows said...

oh dear. The things they will put in their mouths....guess I better watch a close eye on Justin as he gets older

venomouskittens said...

glad all ended well!! makes teething and colds seems pretty minor. :)
nelson swallowed 2 magnets at that age. they found each other in his intestinal tract and made their glorious appearance holding on to each other tightly in his diaper!

Paula Jo said...

WOW... Glad all is well now. I am glad you had a good hospital experience, Trust me it makes all the difference. Glad they could take it out endoscopily (sp) and not have to do surgery. Sorry no contributions coming from this household, I think we are on the permanent payment plan to Childrens hospital. Amazing how cost doesn't matter when you want your children well and ok. Take care! PS. Hope you saved the battery for his scrap book :)

Sara said...

I think that I would have cried a lot more... So glad to hear that everything is ok now and that you both on the mend. No financial help but if you need anything else let me know...

Our Family said...

I am so sorry. I am glad all things turned out well. That is very scary and yes, I will make sure all small objects are safely away from little fingers! You are great parents. I am glad that you noticed that there were supposed to be three batteries. Give him a hug from us. If you need anything, let us know!:)

Jeff, Renee, Carter and Camden said...

I normally don't post on blogs where people don't know who I am but through mutual friends blogs I always find myself spying on the daily fun in your household. The boys are so cute, I am so glad the little one is ok. What a scary experience, they put EVERYTHING in their mouths. In fact, I just had to pull a rock out of Carter's mouth this afternoon. Glad everyone made it through ok.

3boys'mom said...

Mybe he just wanted to be the Energizer Bunny! :)