Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Crawling... or Scooting?

So, here is Carsten doing the *scoot*... He has progressed from rolling as a means of transportation to staying on his stomach and using his legs, hips, and arms... very cute and rewarding as you can see...

He just started this on Saturday. His other accomplishment the last few days is a growling sound that makes us all laugh!


Anonymous said...

Oh my what a cutie! Dana he will soon be scooting around getting into things, climbing the stairs and opening the cupboards. Say, we need to have a time for babysitting......when do you and Jim need to get away??? Love JoAnn

Shana said...

He's SO cute!!! Great pictures of him going for the ball!!! :)

AmyB said...

I love the progression pictures! Have you ever tried posting a video? (I haven't figured that out yet myself, but would be neat.) Did anyone tell you what cute boys you have?!

Didge said...

what a i am after trying several times to leave a comment and couldn't..what's the deal w that? typing one handed w a baby on my lap.

Gina said...

I love these pictures...It prompted me to try and catch Abigail in action. She's been doing the the scootchy thing but I had yet to photograph it. I finally did, so maybe someday I'll get the pictures posted.