Friday, January 29, 2010

Not good...

We are okay.


LLW said...

YIKES! Glad you're ok - it looks like you discovered the deepest ditch on the road. I think that's Alicia's rig? You can't just post the pics and leave us to assume . . .

rae ann said...

ohmygosh!!!! what the heck happened?!?!

reta said...

what a bad bad thing for all of you...were you far from home

alleykat said...

wow, glad you are all ok!

Sandra Ramey said...

Oh my goodness....we leave town and see what happens? Just kddng! Soooo glad you're okay...hope the neck gets some work on it:) By someone nice. See you soon.

Deena said...

Dana, I'm SO glad you're all okay!! It's just too scary to consider what the outcome from this encounter might have been...