Tuesday, August 29, 2006


So, tonight we are outside talking to the neighbors and Reese is piddling around in the garage... we finish talking and start paying attention to Reese and he is riding his tricycle! His feet finally touch the peddles and he's figured out that pushing on the peddles makes the whole thing go... fun. Now we need to work on steering...


rae ann said...

LOVE the trike! are you guys fans of that particular kind? we're in the market to get one for SJP pretty soon. i'm such a sucker for those old school radio fliers though...

Growininwillows said...

What a cutie....love his big "Cheese" smile :)

Hope you can stop by for a quick hello when you drive by in October....

Dim and Jana said...

The handy thing about this bike is the handle to control them from on the back. It saves your back... The Radio Flyers are pretty cute though...