Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Funny boys...

Time to wash cars at the Hamiltons--ALL the cars. :)

Couldn't resist posting this picture... Reese had put a washcloth on the top of the wiggly chair and then I put Carsten in the chair so I could answer the phone. When I turned around to check on him at one point this is what I saw... a washcloth hat. It would have been fun to see the look on his face when it dropped onto his forehead...

We are at the stage of two year oldness that any decision is the wrong decision. This picture was taken after crying for 10 minutes over whether to come downstairs or not...

We usually recover quickly from our little emotional bouts...


rae ann said...

gah! i think we're hitting the 2's early over here. that scene is all too familiar at the peil house.

Dim and Jana said...

Yes... and what do you do about it??? Is there a book or something to tell us how to handle all the little battles?